“...Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” Mark 9:24 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are continuing our series on Faith. Our “consciousness is supported by our subconscious mind. Let’s break it down. “The subconscious mind is the memory mind. It is the home of our habits, the storehouse of our past thoughts and experiences.” (Revealing Word) What we believe in, love, fear, or hate, at the subconscious level, determines our perception, our awareness, of reality. It determines (our) viewpoints and attitudes.” (Twelve Gifts).
For example if you have a strong awareness of prosperity, this awareness has been built into your subconscious. You have accepted into your consciousness the idea of prosperity and live from it not thinking of any other possibility. You are prosperity! It is programmed in your consciousness. You don’t have to think about it, you know it like you know your name. You have said yes to it and that’s that.
It is the same with Faith. When we accept the idea of Faith, the idea that all our good can be drawn from the invisible source, then we live from this awareness. We draw our good from this level of awareness. The awareness of prosperity is deep in our subconscious. It is the same with the faculty of Faith. Faith is a consciousness builder. We can use it to lift ourselves from one level to the next by saying yes to it. We must develop an attitude of, a consciousness of Faith.
Affirm “From God, through me, all that is mine by divine right, instantly pours forth abundantly into my life now. I live from a consciousness, an awareness, of Faith. I say YES to Faith. As I do this I AM SAVED FROM MYSELF! More tomorrow! ❤️💜