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Understanding...Ask, Seek, Find

“Happy [blessed, considered fortunate, to be admired] is the man who...gains understanding and insight [learning from God’s word and life’s experiences],” PROVERBS 3:13 AMP

Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are continuing our journey through Understanding. The scripture states “Happy, Blessed, Fortunate is the man who gains Understanding. Let’s break it down.

We gain understanding when we still ourselves and ask to receive Understanding. Remember ask and it is given, seek and you shall find, knock and open doors. Seek Understanding regarding your life world and affairs from Spirit and all things will be revealed to you. But you-must-ask. Your level of Understanding improves over time as you begin to trust your intuition after asking. Remember Intuition is that feeling of knowing. You feel it as a yes. When you understand that this WORKS and don’t focus on HOW or WHY it works, you will relax into the knowing and move into a new level of Understanding.

Spiritual Understanding seems magical but it operates according to Spiritual Law. Law is law and operates in the same way all of the time. If you do the work required you will reap the rewards. Stillness IS the vehicle that will reveal to you what you need to know when you need to know it. Learning to use this power will open up a world of greater possibilities. Gaining understanding makes us fortunate along with our already being blessed. As your life changes for the better you will be admired by those around you. They will want to know what you are doing to make such a vast difference in your life.

So Divine Ones let’s do our part and be still and know that God is God, God is Spiritual Understanding and we are offsprings of this invisible, invincible power. As we realize the power that we have, as Spiritual Understanding dawns...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow!!❤️💗💕

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