“But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right--the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also. MATTHEW 6:33 AMP
Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey with the power of Understanding. The scripture used today tells us to seek first the kingdom and righteousness To aim for, to strive for, doing and being right. Let’s break it down.
When we need information or instructions we have several sources to choose from. One of the favorite phrases of today is “Google it”. When we “Google it” we have to sift through dozens of articles or recipes or instructions until we find the one that fits our need. Well there is another way to obtain information that fits our need and that is seeking first the kingdom. What is the kingdom? The kingdom is “the realm in man’s consciousness where he knows and understands God.” (Revealing Word).
Within us is the consciousness, the awareness of knowing, perfection. Within us are all of the faculties or super powers that we need in order to live successful, joyous and happy lives As children we are open and receptive to our powers and use them frequently. We come to the world that way but...over time our super powers are diluted and filtered based on the level of consciousness of those around us. Our parents, siblings, teachers, friends, whose super powers may have been diluted as well. Seeking God first when we need Understanding, takes us to the Source of all and begins to reactivate our super powers. As I said in a previous message, we are Mystics. A mystic is someone who has intimate, firsthand knowledge of God. A man of prayer.” (Revealing Word).
We have the Source of all knowledge at our fingertips. As we seek first the kingdom our gift of Spiritual Understanding expands, opens up to us more fully revealing what we need. As mystics our role is to grow and develop through prayer, meditation and sitting in the Silence. Then we receive power and through this power we are able to stand firm. Declare that you have received. When you declare a thing it is established. Declare that you have received Spiritual Understanding. Declare that you have already received what you need. Then righteously act on what you have received. As we pray, as we seek, as we behave righteously (act rightly) we are using our super power of Spiritual Understanding. As we do this Divine Ones...WE SAVED FROM OURSELVES!!! More tomorrow! ❤️💕💗