“Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.” Proverbs 3:13 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey with the power of Understanding. Let’s review.
Spiritual Understanding is a power that we have within us now. We are mystics as we have first hand acquaintance with the One Presence and One Power. First hand acquaintance is possible through prayer, meditation and sitting in the Silence.
As we pray, meditate and listen, the Comforter teaches us. We gain knowledge beyond ALL human understanding. The things that we need to know are revealed to us from within. We must Ask and Seek in order to find. “Ask, and it shall be given you; Seek and you shall find; Knock and it shall be opened unto you.” Matthew 7:7 KJV.
Spiritual Understanding is spiritual discernment and powers our intuition. Intuition is that feeling of yes or no. When we abide in the Presence daily our intuitive knowing becomes stronger and stronger. Working from Intuition is more profitable to us than simply using intellectual knowledge. For it occurs to me that guidance is needed with intellectual knowledge as well. All of the book sense in the world is no match for God sense. The two should be partnered together. Spiritual Understanding is our power to accomplish. Spiritual Understanding is our power to know. One more thing, Spiritual Understanding allows us to move with the Faith TO accomplish. Faith and Understanding work together as all of our powers do.
So Divine Ones here are a few statements that we can use to call forth our power of Spiritual Understanding:
“I know that I have within me the power that reveals to me ALL that I need to know WHEN I need to know it.”
“I have first hand acquaintance with the One Power and Presence and that power moves within me and accomplishes all through me.”
“I ask and receive. I seek and I find. I knock and doors open. PERIOD!”
“Intuition and discernment are my constant companions.”
So Divine Ones! We HAVE the power of Spiritual Understanding. We ARE the power of Spiritual Understanding. As we KNOW this...and strive to live from this awareness...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! Tomorrow we begin our journey with the power of WILL. ❤️💕💖