“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are planting a new Fruit in our divine garden today, long-suffering. Now this word has played an interesting part in the lives of folk because they somehow think that Spirit, God; wants us to suffer and that is so far from the Truth. Waiting on the Lord is “listening to the voice of Spirit” (Revealing Word). So let’s break it down! Long-suffering is “patiently enduring” (Webster’s). Patience is being “steadfast despite opposition, difficulty or adversity” (Webster’s). The word wait in Hebrew means “to look for, to hope, to expect” (Strong’s Concordance). So our passage could be reworded to say “They that choose to place their hope and expectation in the Lord shall renew their strength.” (Vance K. Jackson Devotional). When we are going through something we sometimes have a tendency to rant and rave a bit (it happens). But in order to “go through” we must come to ourselves and be still. In difficult times prayer and meditation are of the utmost importance. “We can, by practice, learn how to make this everyday, topsy-turvy “mind of flesh” be still and let the mind of God (all wisdom, all love) think in us and out through us.” (Lessons in Truth). We have the power of choice. We have to take action and that action is to be still and know. Planting long-suffering (endurance, being steadfast despite opposition) is a process. Pray (communion between God and man) and be still for a time today. Focus on the Fruits that we have planted Love, Joy and Peace. Look for, hope for, expect Love, Joy and Peace to be manifested in your experiences. Divine Ones be still and listen to the voice of Spirit. Be still and expect to receive the Fruits of Love, Peace and Joy. Do this and watch...what... happens! More tomorrow! 💖💜☀️