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What's in a Judgement?

“Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” John 7:24 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! Today we begin our journey with the power of Judgement.

Judgement is defined as “the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing.” (Webster’s). Let’s break it down. “Judgement has two functions: drawing upon Spirit for guidance, and conclusion making. In common terms we would call it “using good judgement” and “making judgments” (Twelve Gifts). When making decisions, our understanding comes in stages. As we think about a subject we come to an understanding of the subject based on our level of consciousness. We make a decision based on our thoughts and feelings about the subject. We draw conclusions or Judge. At each point in the process, we make comparisons, weigh our options, and come to a conclusion. This process takes place each and everyday of our lives. Our judgments become a part of our consciousness.

Our Judgments become our reality. We can judge things to be good or not so good. When we judge our world to be good and very good, that is our experience. When we judge our world to be ugly, limited, poor, fear filled, our conclusions prove us to be right. Judging “righteous judgment” or going is to Spirt for guidance, is judgement based on spiritual understanding and not on what we “see” with our physical eyes or “the appearance”. This goes back to seeing our land or consciousness, from the awareness of the Truth of our being. We are expressions or offsprings of Spirit. All that Spirit IS WE ARE! ALREADY! Our responsibility is to change our thoughts and feelings to align with Truth. So Divine Ones! “Judge not according to appearances”, train yourself to “SEE” what you want your life to be.

Judge righteous judgment, form conclusions based on the Truth about Spirit, regardless. As we do this...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! 💗💗💗💗

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