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Willing Courage

“Be strong and let your hearts take courage, All you who wait for and confidently expect the LORD.”


Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey with our power of Will. The scripture today tells us to be strong, take courage as we wait for and confidently expect. Let’s break it down.

It’s not always easy to listen to, follow and see through to the end the ideas that we receive from the One. Everyone will not understand the messages that you have received or are receiving. They may not understand the feeling of yes that comes with that message. Being a mystic, someone who has first hand acquaintance with God, can be uncomfortable for some. It takes Willingness to heed the call. Take Abram who was told to move away from all that he knew and go into a new land. Willingness. How about Noah who received a message to build an ark to save. Can you imagine his neighbors reactions? Willingness. How about Moses who was told to go to Pharaoh and free God’s people. Willingness.

If we take these stories from an outer perspective, they show men of courage following the promptings of Spirit to do a wonderful work for themselves and others. From an inner perspective God was moving them to levels beyond their current experiences. Abram was moving to a different state of consciousness, represented by the new land. Noah represents “obedience through which a seed for a new state of consciousness can be established. Noah’s name means “resting in God.” (Metaphysical Bible Dictionary). He heard the voice of God and was obedient to the instructions. Moses’ name means “to draw out; the Truth that leads us out of bondage.” (Hidden Mystery). Moving to a different level of consciousness, doing new things, takes Willingness and courage.

Courage is “a spiritual quality that enables one to remain poised and centered in God amidst great difficulties...” (Revealing Word). Abram or Abraham is the Father of Faith. It takes Faith and courage to rest in God, to be obedient to the inner voice of Spirit, to draw away from the bondage of our old ways of thinking and feeling and move into a new a new land, a new level of awareness. It takes courage to confidently wait for and expect that this new land will bear fruit, will be successful. What are you being called to do Divine Ones? What is Spirit leading you to that will cause you to step outside of your comfort zone and be faithfully obedient? What new level of awareness are you being called to? Whatever it is, be strong, take courage, wait for the prompting of Spirit. Be Willing. Confidently expect that the finish line is near and keep moving, DON’T stop. Use the power of Will to press on and stay the course. As we do this Divine Ones...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! 💖💖💖💖

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