“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
Matthew 6:10 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey with Will today. Yesterday we talked about what the Will of God is for us. We also discussed making the choice to be Willing or Willful. Let’s break it down and go further.
God’s Will for us is absolute good. Period! God does NOT test us by bringing bad experiences into our lives. Our dominant thoughts, what we feel and our choices determine our experiences. God is Spirit and Spirit operates according to Spiritual law. Laws work in the same way all of the time. If we are Willing to do what is required to operate within spiritual law, which is to pray, meditate and sit in the Silence, to judge not by appearances, to ask for and seek good, we will experience the goodness of God. This is being Willing towards God.
As we pray, meditate and sit in the Silence, our consciousness, our awareness of God operating in our lives (our earth) increases and expands. As our awareness of God increases, we become more conscious of the divine ideas (heaven, kingdom) that come through our expanded awareness. We begin to trust the voice of intuition (God), that first mind, more and more. We also begin to recognize that the voice of Spirit is always available, but we may not have recognized it as Spirit. Now, taking this further, if we are Willing to accept this goodness for ourselves, we must also be Willing to accept this goodness for all. We cannot see a different or possible negative outcome for others and expect to continue to experience good in our own lives. If we are in a situation where there are differences of opinion, do we seek goodness for the one who does not agree? If we are are not seeing good for them as well, we are being Willful and not Willing. If we find ourselves saying or behaving as if it’s either us or them who will win, are we being Willful or Willing?
Willingness brings or contributes to an expansion of our consciousness. Willfulness represents limited thinking. So Divine Ones, again the choice is ours. “...choose you this day whom you will serve...” Joshua 24:15. Willingness or Willfulness? As we choose to be Willing towards God, we become Willing towards others AND WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! 💖💗💖💗