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Willing to Cross Your Red Sea?

“...Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you today... Exodus 14:13 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! We are continuing our journey with Will today. Our power of Will is “the great permission giver of our consciousness.” (Twelve Gifts). Let’s break it down.

The scripture used today is from the Book of Exodus. Moses has Willingly brought the children of Israel out of Egypt. Egypt stands for “a false sense of bondage”. (Revealing Word). Moses’ name means “to draw out.” (Hidden Mystery). Children “represent our thoughts”. Pharaoh represents dominion through mental power.” (Hidden Mystery). So the story, from a practical perspective, is really about man having a sense of being in bondage to the mental or the intellect. Trying to use his mental power alone without utilizing the spiritual power within as well. Even though the Children of Israel were physically out of bondage, they still had the feeling or sense of being in bondage and were trying to use their Will to go back to Egypt. They thought that was the answer. They were at the Red Sea (sense of doubt) with no way out. Pharaoh and his army were chasing them down. Their old thoughts were still intact. They asked Moses “was it not better to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness?” Exodus 14:12. Moses said to “stand still and see the salvation of the Lord...” Exodus 14:13. Stand still and see that the Lord or Law WILL deliver you this day, will draw you out of bondage.

In our journey the Will is the permission giver. Are you going to use your power of Will to go backwards or to move forward? Do you want to remain in bondage or be free? Are you going to cross the Red Sea of doubt or drown in fear? Our power of WILL says YES or NO. Will yourself to give yourself permission to move forward. Ask for guidance. Pray, meditate and sit in the Silence listening for the voice of Intuition from the ONE. Do the work required to become who you are meant to be. No matter how much we say we understand our spiritual gifts if we don’t use them it’s like having a birthday gift that you never open and what fun is that. Our power of Will directs or moves our other spiritual gifts into action. It gives them permission to act as we direct.

So Divine Ones...what’s it gonna be? Bondage to our fears and doubts, which is WILLFULNESS? Or are we WILLING to cross our Red Sea? As we use our power of WILL, permitting it to operate and move us forward...move us across our Red Seas of fears and doubts to our dreams and desires...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! ️

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