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Willingness or Willfulness

“And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing...”. John 6:39 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are continuing our journey with the power of Will. The Father’s Will for us is absolute good, Period! As we continue to develop our relationship with our indwelling Spirit of absolute good, more good is drawn into our lives. We, however, must be Willing to choose Willingness over Willfulness. Let’s break it down.

“It comes down to Thy will, not my will.” (Twelve Gifts). Willingness is always the positive, constructive path when it comes to building our consciousness, our awareness of our powers or faculties. Building our awareness of Spiritual laws and how they work in our lives is the key to willingly living joyously, happily and peacefully. Willingness takes into consideration spiritual laws. Operating from a consciousness of Willfulness, on the other hand, is destructive to building our consciousness because when we are being willful we are not depending on spiritual laws or spiritual guidance or discernment, we are depending on ourselves or other people. When we are being willful we are looking at the facts in the outer and not working from intuition or guidance from within.

Willingness on the other hand “acknowledges the outer facts but moves according to inner direction (or guidance). (Twelve Gifts). Being Willful is not courageous. Being willful is operating from the consciousness of fear. “It takes great courage to be Willing toward God” (Twelve Gifts) and be guided from within. We must put courage in our thinking and feeling when the “facts” that we see don’t agree with the vision. It takes courage to look beyond the appearance and “judge righteous judgment” John 7:24. We must be Willing to Judge according to what we “SEE” with our spiritual eyes and not by what we “SEE” with our physical eyes.

So Divine Ones our assignment is to choose Willingness over Willfulness. Our assignment is to SEE beyond the facts beyond the appearance (if it is not in line with our vision) and SEE into the invisible to the fulfillment of or dreams. Our assignment is to use our power of Will to hold fast to the vision we have for our lives allowing ourselves to be guided from within. As we do this Divine Ones... WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! 💖💖💖

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