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Your Sabbath...Be Still

“Be still, and know that I am God...”. Psalms 46:10 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! We are working with the 4th Commandment, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy...” Exodus 20:8 Our passage today speaks of being still and knowing. Let’s break it down! “Holiness is wholeness in Spirit, mind, and body. In this state of consciousness, man is aware of the all-pervading glory of God.” (Revealing Word). We learned yesterday that the true Sabbath is a state of spiritual attainment and a time of rest. “We rest from outer work, cease daily occupation, and give ourselves up to meditation or the study of things spiritual.” (Revealing Word). We should “Come ye yourselves apart...and rest a while...” Mark 6:31 KJV. Rest prior to starting our day. Rest in the Presence of the One. We can keep the true Sabbath at any time. We can let go of the notion that Sunday is the day and realize that we can rest at any moment, any time. For just a few moments, we can stop to think about the good in our lives. For just a few moments, we can stop and ponder the beauty of nature. For just a few moments, we can stop and abide in the presence of God and feel the love of the ONE. We can meditate on peace, love, joy, gentleness. This time of rest is important. “There is a rhythm to life, like breathing. There is an inflow and an outflow. We breathe in AND we breathe out. We can breathe in the love and breathe out what love is to others and to ourselves. We can quiet our minds for a while and allow the power within to recharge us. There is power in stillness.” (The Ten Commandments) . It’s just like our cell phones. At some point, we have to let them recharge or the power depletes and they shut down. We operate in the same way. At some point, we have to stop and recharge or we can shut down as well. We may begin to feel tired, out of sorts, irritable. These are signals that we need to rest. So Divine Ones let’s stop and smell the roses. Let’s stop and recharge. Let’s stop and realize that there is power in stillness. We can remember the Sabbath day at any time of the day or night. Divine Ones at any time we can be still and know the ONE. We can be still and allow the One to bring about wholeness in our spirit, mind and body. As we do this... we are saved from ourselves! More tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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