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Zeal Performs

“...The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” Isaiah 9:7 KJV

Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are continuing our journey with the power of Zeal. The scripture today tells us that the Lord or Law will perform this. Whatever your “this” is. Let’s break it down.

We talked about putting God first in our journey with the power of Order. The same is true with all of our powers. Working with our powers is putting God first. Zeal or Enthusiasm is a fire that also works with our powers of Faith and Wisdom as well as Order. As we work with Orderly thoughts, plans and goals, we become excited and enthusiastic as we see them come from the mind, from the page, into visible form. Accomplishment propels or moves us forward. Faith added to Zeal keeps us focused on the vision with a sense of inner knowing that it can and will be done. Faith draws to us what we need to accomplish our goals. Our power of Wisdom keeps us focused on what’s now in front of us instead of past experiences. Past mistakes and failures fade away and what may have seemed impossible becomes truly possible.

As we focus on the end goals our vision becomes clearer and as we see from a divine perspective, it is done unto us. What was doubtful becomes a certainty. This is why we should never give up on our vision on our hopes and dreams because having the desire for them is the power to shape and accomplish them.

So Divine Ones as we move forward with our powers of Zeal or Enthusiasm, Faith and Wisdom our inner fire is ignited and fed. We press forward to the prize. We press forward to completion of our vision. We press forward with excitement and the Lord performs. As we do this, Divine Ones...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES!!! More tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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