“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God...” Philippians 3:14 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are continuing our journey with the power of Zeal. The power of Zeal helps us to “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God”.
Let’s break it down. Pressing toward the mark is the journey toward expanding our awareness of the power that IS within us. We already have all that we need within us to accomplish our life vision. We just sometimes need to be reminded that we do. There is an inner desire an inner knowing that tells us so. The price that we pay for this awareness is our time daily in prayer and meditation.
As we spend time abiding in the presence of God we become happier, more balanced, more tolerant of others, more peaceful. We also become more excited about expanding and experiencing more of the same. We begin to focus and direct our powers to fuel the inner flame, Zeal, within. We should see ourselves as fired with excitement and enthusiasm as we go about our day. Never settle and live a life that does not contain some excitement and enthusiasm for something. Always seek positive experiences and think in terms of accomplishing your goals.
Allow Zeal to expand and use it to accomplish something better. Better choices, better life, better relationships, better everything. Allow nothing and no one to dampen your excitement, your flame. You are pressing toward the mark to the high calling of God. The calling that takes us from our old ways of thinking and doing to new ways of thinking and feeling and doing.
So Divine Ones...Light the fire of Zeal and fan the flames higher and higher. Let us add to Zeal our powers of Faith, Wisdom, Order and Love. Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God. Press forward to the expansion of our awareness. As we do this Divine Ones...WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES!! More tomorrow! 💖💖