“...be zealous therefore, and repent.” Revelation 3:19 KJV
Good morning Divine Ones! Today we are continuing our journey with the power of Zeal. The scripture says be zealous and repent. Let’s break it down.
Repentance is “turning away from a belief in sin and error to a belief in God and righteousness; a reversal of mind and heart in the direction of the All-Good (God).” (Revealing Word). Sin is missing the mark or falling short of divine perfection. It is our failure to express our powers of Love, Life, Wisdom, Zeal and other God qualities. When we are not expressing the qualities of God we are expressing the world’s views. For example if the news says that there is a shortage of jobs, we Zealously talk abut a shortage of jobs. If the newspapers report that we need more medication to function, some will Zealously contact their doctors for whatever medications “they say” they need. This is missing the mark and taking on the world’s views. Just because they say it does not make it so for you, for us. “He that dwells in the Secret Place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1. Meaning we are divinely protected.
Our responsibility is to repent by turning away from what the world says and turning to Spirit or the All-Good. Our role is to expand our awareness, our consciousness and Zealously express the qualities of God. How do we do this? Well, we abide in the Presence of God through prayer, meditation and sitting in the Silence listening for the still small voice of Spirit. If we are not practicing the Presence daily, then we are experiencing the world’s views. There is thought energy all around us. In this energy are the thoughts and beliefs of the masses, called Race Consciousness. All of the thoughts and beliefs in Race Consciousness are not bad, but some are and we need to ensure that we are divinely protected from the general world views of poverty, sickness, lack and limitation. We need to Zealously guard our minds from these limiting beliefs. The way to accomplish this is through prayer, meditation and sitting in the Silence, abiding in the Presence. There is no other way. Developing this habit keeps us focused on expanding and growing which turns our attention to good.
So Divine Ones let’s put a guard at the door of our minds. Become Zealous about spending time abiding in the Presence daily. This practice turns us away from limiting beliefs and thoughts. Be Zealous therefore and repent! As we do this...as we turn away from the world’s views and focus on God’s views...As we focus on expressing our powers, the qualities of God...Divine Ones WE ARE SAVED FROM OURSELVES! More tomorrow! 💖💖